Sunday, April 13, 2014


Ok, so I think post 1 is probably the most intimidating. I mean everyone that blogs has to start it off with a cool blog, right!? Or why on earth would people return? Well, to be honest, I created this blog account last August. Yes, it told on me when I signed in that it has been...well, awhile! See, I've been wanting, meaning, hoping to start writing a blog and I even pulled out my super awesome writings from a Creative Writing class I took in high school and read every one of them to Spencer. He thinks I have talent in writing. Or maybe he's just really good at collecting brownie points, I haven't decided. 

So...last night we were reviewing our BHAG's (pronounced bee-hag). For those of you who don't know, BHAG stands for BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS, GOALS. Who wouldn't know that?! Well perhaps everyone, cause I will put money on it that Spencer made that up! So as we were reviewing, I realized that one of my BHAG's is to begin a blog by 2015 (I think it was on last year's BHAG list and somehow got postponed...oops!). So here it is, my blog. Welcome to it.

Since our BHAG review is what sparked me to start writing again, I will share with you a little about our BHAG's and why they are important. First off, I personally think it is a good idea for everyone to set goals. Why? Well for me, it's because setting goals is what pushes me to do the task. And the journey towards accomplishing the goal is less painful when the prize is in front of you. When you accomplish something, then you it perpetuates into wanting to accomplish something more...and more...and more. Well, you get the picture.

On our personal BHAG list, Spencer and I write our goals for each of the following categories: Career. Financial. Spiritual. Physical. Intellectual. Family. & here it comes...Recreational! Yes, that last one means fun! We review our BHAG list every couple months to check our progress and if there's anything additional we want to work on, it's gets added to the list. And...every once in awhile, we get to check something off! WOOHOO! "Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music." Oops, got a little off track there. 

Anyways, setting goals gives us confidence, motivation, and makes us happy when we accomplish them. Setting goals helps us accomplish BIG things! And guess what? A BHAG can never be TOO BIG. It can't even be too HAIRY. will take AUDACITY to complete. So buckle up, get your pen out and begin your BHAG list. I dare you!

Perhaps I'll share additional BHAG's on my list with you in the coming posts, but you'll have to stay tuned to find out!

So...what are you going to put on your BHAG list? I'd love to hear! :)